Friday, March 31, 2006

Outtie (Puzzle) #2

Here is an outtie that is not used in the book. I will also post outties that are not in the book so everyone can play. This outtie uses a picture called a glyph. So, the outtie is called a glyph outtie. (There are also word outties, connection outties, etc.)

Look at the glyph on the left. What does it look like?

It could be a tree. It could be a golf ball on a tee. It could be a bowling ball falling upon and crushing a soda can. There are many, many things it could be. What do you think it is? Send in your answer!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Outtie (Puzzle) #1

On page 77 of Fractalia, the youth (Darren, Sandra, Neelon, and Maria) have to solve their first puzzle.

The youth are trapped in a deep pit. There is no way out. There are four simple pictures carved into the pit wall. These pictures are like doodles, but they are called glyphs. What do the glyphs mean? That is the puzzle. Can you decode the glyphs? There is an illustration of the glyphs on page 69.

Remember, this puzzle is an outtie so it has many answers. Maybe your answer is better than the one created by the youth in the book. Send in your answer!

If you have the book, you can play along with this outtie. If you need to get the book, you can get one from either or

Welcome to Fractalia!

This is Fractalia, an exciting new adventure series with strange shapes (fractals), bizarre puzzles (outties), and a fierce battle against Kayoz and his mutant kreatures.

In upcoming posts, you will be able to send in your answers to the outties because your answers might be better than the answers given in the book!

What are outties, you ask? Like bellybuttons, there are two types of puzzles: innies and outties. Most puzzles created today are innies that converge inward to only one right answer. Outties open out to an unlimited number of answers.

Outties are the next great frontier in puzzles and you can play along by sending in your answers to the outties.

If you have the book, you can play along with the puzzles. If you need to get the book, you can get one at either or