Monday, August 27, 2007

This incredible picture of Honig was drawn by Rose, age 11.

Honig was a Talian that was caught by Kayoz and mutated into a kreature. Honig now helps spread Kayoz's chaotic puzzles and tries to send other Talians into brainlock so they can be caught and mutated into kreatures.

A mutated Talian is zombie-like and so is called a Zalian.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A root-tail is one of the kreatures of Fractalia. This awesome picture was drawn by Rose, age 11.

A root-tail can use its mouth to eat but it can also force its muscular tail into the ground and take up nutrition like a plant does. It will sit there for days sleeping while its tail takes in nutrition from the soil.

You don't want to wake up a root-tail when its tail is in the ground. It gets very angry, rips its tail from the ground, and chases after you. It leaves a huge hole in the ground so be careful not to fall in.

This is a wonderful picture of Wudlig created by Rose, age 11.

Wudlig is the wisest and oldest resident of Fractalia. He has a fractal beard and teaches the Talians how to solve the puzzles so they can battle the kreatures.
He teaches them how to make sense out of any nonsense.

As Wudlig always says, "There is no such thing as nonsense for those who have eyes to see."