Everything you wanted to know about Fractalia. The characters: Wudlig, Pax, Kayoz, Brandelmoat, etc. Those strange shapes called fractals. The puzzles (outties). You can even submit your own answers to the outties because your answers might be better than what is in the book!
railroad crossing sign
steering wheel
round seat cushion
cross-hairs of a gun
circle with an X in it
cross-hairs of a periscope
a radar screen
Communion host
In the game tic-tac-toe, a player made a mistake and wrote an X over the top of an O.
two hour glasses: one going top to bottom and the other going side to side
a manhole cover
two bow ties: one going top to bottom and the other going side to side
a strainer with only two wires
a beachball
looking down on a sliced pie
looking down on a tupperware container that has four compartments
where to dig for treasure, X marks the spot
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