Everything you wanted to know about Fractalia. The characters: Wudlig, Pax, Kayoz, Brandelmoat, etc. Those strange shapes called fractals. The puzzles (outties). You can even submit your own answers to the outties because your answers might be better than what is in the book!
an hourglass
bow tie
one toy top spinning on the point of another toy top
one pencil point touching another
a pencil point touching a mirror
a women's dress with the thinnest waist possible
a pencil point and its reflection in a pond
a capital letter 'X' that fills up the whole line on some lined paper
a diablo (a juggling toy that spins on a string)
a special wine glass
a chalice at a Catholic Mass
a steel pipe after Superman has pinched it
a rectangle that is sucking in its gut so it looks thinner
a triangular cell just about to split into two (mitosis)
two triangle acrobats, one is balancing on the other's head
the prows of two ships touching
the beaks of two birds kissing
looking down from high above on a small airport where two runways are crossing
the amazing aftermath of a tornado that threw one teepee upside down on top of another
the heads of two arrows that are pointing at each other
an architect's funny design for a two-story teepee
the capital letter 'Z' with a diagonal line crossing it out
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